To survive this crisis, charities need a brand-new approach

From Barry Brands strive to make themselves relevant, but what do you do when there is only one event in the news cycle — and that event is a killer pandemic? At the start of the recession that followed the 2008 financial crisis, McKinsey, one of the world’s leading management consultancy firms, analysed the behaviour of nearly 700 businesses during previous downturns. The findings were stark.

Approximately half of the companies that entered these downturns as leaders ended up lagging behind when the economy picked up. Read the full article on The Jewish Chronicle website.

Get animated with C&C

We like to tell stories.

Stories of achievement and success. Of need and generosity. Of hope and happiness. Of what has happened and what happens next. These stories take on different forms – online, in print, in film and in person. And no two stories are ever the same.

Right now everyone’s got a story to tell. And we want to help you tell it.

To all those who should be hearing them – whether they know it or not.Of course, we can’t send round a film crew right now. But that doesn’t make us any less committed to telling your story. In fact, it’s got us even more animated…

We’ve been using animation as a tool for storytelling for a while now, with some pretty impressive results. Not just creating the content, but deploying it in the right place at the right time. Combining all our strategic, creative and media expertise with eye-catching and engaging effect.

If you’re wondering how to tell your story right now, please be in touch.

We’ll work out the best way to do it, together. Creatively and, of course, commercially.

The Big C

Strange that, with everything else going on, we launched a new campaign today. But here is the start of our Big C campaign for Chai Cancer Care with photography from Adam Lawrence. For years ‘The Big C’ was a euphemism for cancer. Chai is breaking taboos and boundaries and embracing thousands of people each year with the big C of Care.